Holy Week and Passover completely overlap this year  “Give ear and come to me” (Isaiah 55.3a)  Holy Week and Passover provide prayerful opportunities for us to prepare for our public presence in the communities where we will live, work, worship, socialize, and recreate within our coming post-pandemic world. Our communities will need healing from all…

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–Declare a holy fast; call a sacred assembly– – Joel 1.14- Approximately 1,500 years ago, fasting was a widely practiced tradition of Advent unlike today. Fasting became increasingly deemphasized during the past several centuries, differentiating the spirit of Lent from that of Advent. The spirit of Advent today is embedded in honor and hope. We…

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“The groans of the dying rise from the city, and the souls of the wounded cry out for help. But God charges no one with wrongdoing.” (Job 24.12) The groans of the dying rise from the city We hear the groans through the media, the distressing daily stories and updates about the number of persons…

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social distance

–Social distancing provides a time for deeper reflection on social distance— Health and government officials define social distancing in disaster preparedness terms such as “shelter in place” and “Safer at Home” to prevent the spread of an infectious disease such as the new strain of coronavirus (COVID-19) by ordering people to stay in their residences…

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